Tempus Fugit

Notes of the show<>

Tricky Dance No. 1
A danced event for places and imaginaries.
A basketball game becomes the metaphor for a love story.
Passion, complicity, even physical intensity and emotional skirmishes in a game where it is important to ‘confront’ each other.
An imaginary but real world, a dense love bubble.
Time passes and they stand there looking at each other, searching each other, loving each other.

Duration 20 minutes


With and by: Giovanni Consoli and Elisa Spina
Music: by 

A Compagnia Naturalis Labor production 
With the support of MIBAC / Regione Veneto / Comune di Vicenza / Festival Visioni di danza


Technical details<>

Duration: 20 minutes
Production 2024
Staff: 2 dancers
Tout public
Site specific indoor / outdoor
